Monday, May 2, 2011

{paige's turn}

I never thought that middle school teachers had classroom pets. I never heard about them, or even read about it any animals in middle school. So you can imagine my surprise when I walk into math class and there's a gecko on the desk!

I've only seen lizards on T.V. So when my classmates ran to me in the doorway, screaming about a lizard, I was ecstatic. I haven't had a classroom pet since kindergarten (we had baby chicks- I got to hold them!)

So I went to look at the lizard, and it was the weirdest animal I've ever seen. It was in a tank that had sand, two hollow logs, and a heating lamp above it all.
And a MILLION crickets on the logs- so many that I refused to get within a foot of the tank!

The gecko was deep inside one of the logs, so I only saw it's black and yellow leopard- patterned head with HUGE creepy eyes...

Which looks awesome!


Anonymous said...

I imagine the lizzard was strange to see. I have a friend who has a Kimono dragon and it's very odd looking.

paige elizabeth said...

How cool!
Yea, the gecko was very srange- it had a huge head with big eyes, a kinny body, and a fat tail! AND it's skin was a leopard patern!