teenage paige

My name is Paige Elizabeth, and I'm thirteen years old. I live in San Francisco with my parents, grandfather, and three siblings. I like to read, draw, listen to music, play soccer, and hang out with my friends and family.

I like to read so much, that I have a Kindle! I never go anywhere without it. I have exactly 40 books on my Kindle, and about fifty other books on my shelf.

I don't really draw, actually. I just like to doodle on a scrap of paper, or in the margin of corrected work. Mostly just silly little hearts or eyes, but I do have notebooks and pastels... in the basement.

My i-Pod is always charged. I listen to it while doing my homework, in the car, anywhere I can. So much that I get yelled at when I'm listening to it "at the wrong times". I like country, rock, hip-hop... everything except heavy metal and rap
- ick.

I've play soccer since I was 5. I love playing! I'm currently on the Firedragons (we are starting a blog!). People say I'm really fast... when I want to be!

Everyone assumes that siblings are the most horrible people on earth. All my only-child friends think they're so lucky. But they're not.
When you have siblings, older or younger, they WILL be annoying. That's their job. But when you have siblings, you always have a friend to ask you how school was, and you always have a playmate. Yea, you might have to yell sometimes, or answer weird questions. But you always have someone to do things for you that you don't want to do!
I have a lot of good friends at school (mom,dad...), but I spend most of my time with my family!