Sunday, May 1, 2011


by Tess Oliver

Nathaniel held tightly to my arm to keep me from falling face first. "I'm such a clumsy dolt."

"I wouldn't expect to see you in an of these theateres perfoming a dance, but I like the way you move. You're rather like a feathery sprite with just enough swishing from side to side." he said.

Curse the involintary blush that was impossible to hide. "I swish? Exactly what part of me swishes?" I brought up his family, but I was relieved we'd changed subjects. Even though the subject was making my cheeks burn.

He grinned down at me. "All the right parts."


carol anne said...

Hey, who thought you might like this book and got it for you?


paige elizabeth said...

Ha. You! Thanks.
