Thursday, May 5, 2011

{paige's turn}

I hate the dentist.
When I was younger I had to get two teeth pulled. They had to put me under because I freaked out so much. Just so you know.

I went to the orthodontist yesterday. This is our second one we chose- I didn't want the guy who's Yelp page said he was a total jerk. So I went to the awesomely nice guy instead.

Three of my adult teeth came down the wrong way. They're supposed to come straight down and push the baby teeth out... mine "missed" and are next to and behind the baby teeth.

So I need them yanked. Yay.
 Then I need braces to pull the adult teeth into place. But apparently there isn't enough room for them to come down, so I need headgear to pull my molars back to make room.


Thankfully I only need to wear it at night!
I know my mom is going to take tons of pictures.


grace said...

sorry about the headgear! that doesn't sound TOO bad, at least you only have to wear it at night. :)
thanks for following!

marygrace said...

Hey, I'm Elven Maiden! But online lots of people call me Mollie. Thanks for following my blog! Yours looks really cool! :) Sorry about the headgear... That stinks. My sister had to have screws put in her jawbone instead of headgear on Wednesday! :P
